If you use Microsoft Windows or an Apple Macintosh, you can use internetbasedfamily.com.
internetbasedfamily.com is compatible with any of these browsers:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer
- Netscape Navigator
- Opera
- Any JavaScript Compatible Browser
If you are running Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or newer for Windows, you can
also use a special easy-to-use editor that works like a word processor. If you
aren’t using Microsoft Windows, you can still access every other feature
of internetbasedfamily.com.
Compatibility Statistics
internetbasedfamily.com works with over 97% of computers that access the Internet and virtually
100% of the computers that an average user would have. Anybody that uses Microsoft
Windows or an Apple Macintosh can use internetbasedfamily.com.
100% of the users on the Internet can access websites created by internetbasedfamily.com
regardless of whether they use Microsoft Windows or an Apple Macintosh.